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Good News and Bad News

We have something to celebrate in Olympia this week, the unanimous passage of condo liability reform, SB 5334, prime sponsors…

Direct Contractor Liability

BIAW President Rick Hjelm has been busy testifying before House and Senate committees in opposition to House Bill 1395 and…

TVW’s Interview with BIAW

BIAW Government Affairs Director Jan Himebaugh filmed a segment for TVW’s The Impact about the affordable housing crisis impacting Washington…

Condo Reform

Long overdue, condominium reform continues to make its way through committees in both chambers in Olympia. If lawmakers are serious…

BIAW President Rick Hjelm Testifies on “Direct Contractor Liability” Bill

On Feb 15, BIAW President Rick Hjelm appeared before the Senate Committee on Labor & Commerce to testify in opposition…

Gov’s Never Met a Tax He Didn’t Like

You may have seen Governor Inslee in the news earlier this week talking about the “pockets of wealth” needing to…