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Building code council seeks home builders with wildland-urban interface expertise

Do you have expertise building homes in wildland-urban interface areas? The Washington State Building Code Council is looking for a…

Important victory in BIAW’s Building Code Council appointment challenge

BIAW celebrated an important legal victory on Friday, March 11, in its challenge to the Governor’s building code council appointment…

Support energy choice this Friday

BIAW members have two opportunities to support energy choice this Friday before the Washington State Building Code Council (SBCC). The…

Join energy code public hearing

The Washington State Energy Code has a public hearing Friday, Feb. 25 at 10 a.m. To sign up for oral…

Builders rally against bill increasing code requirements

Several BIAW leaders joined BIAW lobbyist Brent Ludeman in testifying against ESHB 1770, which, among other things: Requires new buildings…

Join IFC and IBC public hearing

The International Fire Code (IFC) and International Building Code (IBC) have a public hearing Friday, Feb. 11 at 10 a.m.…