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BIAW summer school classes help you with certification and continuing education

We know you’re busy, but if you need a little summer school education to stay ahead in your business, BIAW…

Dunn Solutions: BIAW Education teams up with Dunn Lumber

BIAW is excited to announce a new partnership powered by Dunn Solutions to bring members a library of building-related content based…

Looking for new employees? Connect with WorkSource Construction Bootcamp

Companies looking for new employees freshly trained in the construction trades can find them at WorkSource’s “Construction Bootcamp.” WorkSource has once again…

New free workplace health and safety training

The Department of Labor & Industries recently contracted with PIM Savvy Inc. to provide outreach, education-oriented products and workplace health…

May 2 deadline looming: Apply now for $60,000 in scholarships and grants

BIAW’s Education Program is once again offering $60,000 in scholarships and grants for students and trades programs across the state.…

Scholarship recipient- Where are they now? Meet Karis Van Diest

BIAW’s scholarship and grant program helps educate students going into a career in the trades and bridge the labor shortage…