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BIAW joins opposition to emergency rules on wildfire smoke safety

The Washington Department of Labor & Industries has entered emergency rulemaking to address wildfire smoke exposure for outdoor workers. This…

ICYMI: BIAW challenges Governor’s partial veto in Division 2 Court of Appeals

In an online hearing today before the Division 2 Court of Appeals, Building Industry Association of Washington General Counsel Jackson…

Media Advisory: Oral argument tomorrow in BIAW’s suit against the governor and Dept. of Fish & Wildlife

OLYMPIA…The Court of Appeals for Division Two will hear oral arguments tomorrow in a case brought by the Building Industry…

Sign the “No Income Tax Petition” Today

Earlier this session, BIAW President Tracy Doriot and lobbyist Bill Stauffacher testified against SB 5096, creating a capital gains income…

BIAW Requests Information and Submits Public Records Requests Regarding ESD Fraud

BIAW filed a public record request on Oct. 5, 2020, to Washington Employment Security Department (ESD) regarding the unemployment fraud…

Latest Legal Update

Currently, BIAW has three active lawsuits pending in state court. Here’s the latest and greatest on their status: BIAW v.…