BIAW summer school classes help you with certification and continuing education
July 25, 2022
We know you’re busy, but if you need a little summer school education to stay ahead in your business, BIAW has the classes you need. We provide opportunities to learn about basic skills and business operations and gain the necessary certifications required by state and federal agencies.
Currently, BIAW is offering two different certification courses that your business may need, depending on the type of work you perform. Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) and Certified Lead Renovator.
Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL)
If your company disturbs more than one acre of land or is in a subdivision, you need the Construction Stormwater General Permit. This permit requires you to have a Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) on call at all times. Because of this, you should have more than one employee as a CESCL and gain recertification every three years.
BIAW offers the initial and recertification courses approved by Washington’s Department of Ecology. As a member, there is a discounted rate and once completed, attendees will receive their certification.
Lead Renovator Certification
Does your business involve renovating, repairing or painting structures built before 1978? The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lead-based paint renovation, repair and painting (RRP) regulations require construction companies to apply for and receive EPA Certification to disturb paint in pre-1978 housing and child-occupied facilities. These jobs must be supervised by Certified Lead Renovators, who have completed an EPA-accredited full-day training course.
As with the CESCL certification, BIAW offers members initial or recertification courses at a discount.
Continuing Education Beyond the Summer Months
BIAW understands that the summer months are the busiest time for many of our builder members. To help make these critical certifications accessible for those who need them, our education department provides multiple opportunities throughout the year to take these courses. BIAW also offers classes on blueprint reading, CPR/first aid, fall protection, business and more.
Please find all of our latest class offerings at If you need a specific class, but don’t see it offered, contact Education Manager Andy Arrants at or call (360) 352-7800 ext. 147.