
  • You must be a current BIAW member
  • Projects must be completed after Jan. 1 of the previous year
  • Photos, floor plans, and description should not be marked with any form of company identification
  • You may submit your home as an entry
  • A company may submit only one project per category
  • A project may only be entered in one category, i.e., an ‘entire house’ project may not be submitted as a project in the kitchen category, bath category, etc.

Entry Fees & Deadlines

Entries are $75 each. The 2024 EIR Awards are now closed. View the 2024 Showcase of EIR Award Winners!

Watch for opportunities to enter the 2025 awards early next year.



  • Exterior Under $40,000
  • Exterior Over $40,001


  • Kitchen Under $45,000
  • Kitchen $45,001-$75,000
  • Kitchen $75,001-$140,000
  • Kitchen Over $140,001


  • Bath Under $35,000
  • Bath $35,001-$60,000
  • Bath $60,001-$80,000
  • Bath Over $80,001


  • Addition Under $125,000
  • Addition $125,001-$250,000
  • Addition Over $250,001

Entire House

  • Entire House Under $200,000
  • Entire House $200,001-$400,000
  • Entire House $400,001-$600,000
  • Entire House Over $600,001

Aging in Place/Universal Design

  • AIP/UD Under $35,000
  • AIP/UD $35,001-$60,000
  • AIP/UD $60,001-$80,000
  • AIP/UD Over $80,001


  • Basements/ADU Under $125,000
  • Basements/ADU Over $125,001

Get Away Room

Residential Interior Design

Outdoor Living

  • Outdoor Living Under $100,000
  • Outdoor Living Over $100,001

Historic Renovation/Restoration


  • Commercial Under $350,000
  • Commercial $350,001-$750,000
  • Commercial Over $750,001

Open Category

  • Open Under $125,000
  • Open Over $125,001

View the 2024 Award Winners: View Showcase

View 2023 Award Winners: View Showcase

View 2022 Award Winners: View Showcase

View 2021 Award Winners: View Showcase


Projects are judged by a panel of industry experts from various fields of expertise.

Entries will be judged in accordance with the following criteria:

  • Aesthetics
  • Special or unique design solutions
  • Quality workmanship
  • Use of appropriate building materials
  • Budgetary consideration
  • Challenges and/or obstacles

The EIR Awards judging committee reserves the right to combine or eliminate any category or categories due to insufficient entries.

Additionally, the committee reserves the right to create new categories should the EIR judges determine a situation warrants such action.

Judges may also re-categorize any entry, if in their opinion, it has been entered in the wrong category, or if the entry is better suited to another category. Special awards may be presented at the judges’ discretion.

Photo Release

If using a professional photographer, copyright and photo release permission must be arranged before submitting your project photos. By entering this project, all photos submitted may be used by BIAW in public viewing, website, press releases, social media, magazines, or other PR marketing promotions.

Entry Requirements

  • You must be a current BIAW member
  • Projects must be completed after Jan. 1 of the previous year
  • An applicant may submit only one project per category
  • A project may only be entered in one category, i.e., an ‘entire house’ project may not be submitted as a project in the kitchen category, bath category, etc.
  • Each project entry must include at least one before and one after high-resolution photo
  • Photos, floor plans, and descriptions should be void of any form of company identification
  • Acknowledge a photo release permission
  • Include a 250-word or less description of your project with clear and concise information
  • You may submit your home as an entry

Tips for Writing your Description

Main objective of the remodel

  • What did the customer want from the remodel? More living space?
  • Modernization? Recreate original design (historical)?

Creative and efficient use of space

  • Describe how space played a role in the remodel. Narrow property?
  • Water views? Severe slope? Existing structures?

Special or unique circumstances and solutions

  • What, if any, obstacles did you face? Universal design issues?
  • Height restrictions? Built Green standards?

Use of appropriate building materials

Describe the type and quality of materials (in simple terms).

Quality of workmanship

Pump yourself up and let the judges know the quality of your work.

Judging Criteria

Projects are judged by a panel of industry experts from various fields of expertise. Entries will be judged in accordance with the following criteria:

■             Aesthetics

  • Does the project look good?
  • Does it make sense?
  • Does the project blend in with the original structure and or time period?

■             Special or unique design solutions

  • Any land or lot restrictions, building height restrictions, septic system challenges?

■             Quality workmanship and craftsmanship

■             Use of appropriate building materials

■             Budgetary consideration

  • Were there location of project or extenuating circumstances?

■             Challenges and or obstacles

  • Lot location, locating obsolete or scarce materials, variances, code regulations, etc.?


Contact Education & Workforce Development Director Al Audette at (360) 352-7800 ext. 105, ala@biaw.com