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BIAW President Rick Hjelm Testifies on “Direct Contractor Liability” Bill

On Feb 15, BIAW President Rick Hjelm appeared before the Senate Committee on Labor & Commerce to testify in opposition…

Gov’s Never Met a Tax He Didn’t Like

You may have seen Governor Inslee in the news earlier this week talking about the “pockets of wealth” needing to…

Environmental Justice

This pair of bills is simply not necessary as agencies who are charged with the evaluating of projects already take…

More Regulations = Affordable Housing?

The legislature has proclaimed that they are focusing on affordable housing this session – however, we are seeing in hearing…

Curl Up and Dye – HB 5513, HB 1515, SB 5326

Today wraps up day 19 of the 105-day session. It has been fast and furious, in fact, over 1,600 bills…

BIAW President Rick Hjelm Testifies on “Direct Contractor Liability” Bill

On Jan. 31, BIAW President Rick Hjelm appeared before the House Labor and Commerce Committee to testify in opposition to…