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News Release: Building Association honors 20 projects with Excellence in Remodeling Awards

OLYMPIA…The Building Industry Association of Washington honored the winners of its 2021 Excellence in Remodeling Awards this week at an…

BIAW invited to participate in 2021 Economic Symposium

The Washington Employment Security Department (ESD) – Labor Market and Economic Analysis (LMEA) division invites BIAW to attend its 2021…

NAHB works to address rising lumber prices

Lumber prices have more than quadrupled since April 2020 and this has caused the price of an average new single-family…

June 2021 Building Insight

Welcome to the June Edition of Building Insight! This month, we: Celebrate National Home Ownership Month Recognize “Home Building Heroes”…

Employment Security Dept. hosts first SharedWork Summit

The Washington State SharedWork program invites BIAW members to the first-ever WIN with SharedWork Virtual Conference, June 8-9, 2021. The…

BIAW sponsors weekly Consumer Tips with KOMO’s Herb Weisbaum

The Building Industry Association of Washington is sponsoring KOMO’s ConsumerMan, Herb Weisbaum, and his weekly tips for homeowners. The partnership…