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BIAW Files Lawsuit Against L&I due to Emergency Rule

BIAW has filed a lawsuit to repeal an emergency rule that authorizes the Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) to…

How to Solve a Shortage of Storage

As communities across the country practice social distancing to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, you might have…

Court Upholds L&I Emergency Rule to Fine Businesses

We are troubled to report that last Friday, Thurston County Superior Court Judge John C. Skinder denied BIAW’s request to…

BIAW is Moving!

Back in January, BIAW closed the sale on our current headquarters, the McCleary Mansion, and started construction on the new…

Smart Home Tech Helps Aging Home Owners

The idea of retirement conjures up images of spending time with grandkids, travel, or dedicating time to your favorite hobbies.…

Main Street Lending Program

While the Paycheck Protection Program by the Small Business Administration has captured headlines over the past few months, there is…