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Phase 2 Requirements for Professional Workplaces

May 19, 2020

While a lot of focus has been spent on the criteria for Phase 2 requirements for construction job sites, it’s important to note that many BIAW members may have business operations that involve professional spaces that are open to the public and have different requirements. Since Gubernatorial Proclamation 20-25 was issued March 23, 2020, all professional offices for nonessential businesses have been essentially shut down except for limited operations related to basic business functions such as processing payroll or maintaining inventory. On May 13, the governor issued a new order that provided new requirements under Phase 2 for professional services that are broadly defined as “office-based occupations that typically serve a client base.” Any BIAW members that have office space (apart from a construction job site) such as a showroom or client conference space will likely fall under this new order. While the full document is attached, listed below are some key requirements. These changes are generally to physical office layout, posting requirements, and employee practices:

Changes to Physical Office Layout:

  • Authorized access to the business should primarily be through the front door.
  • Minimize the number of persons waiting in the waiting area.
  • Arrange furniture to encourage social distancing, with at least six feet between individual seats.
  • Identify and control “ choke points” and “ high-risk areas” at locations where employees or clients may typically congregate so that social distancing is always maintained. Consider relocating from small areas into larger rooms to accommodate more room for social distancing.
  • Keep guest occupancy at 50% of maximum building occupancy or lower, with the exception of one to one service in a fully enclosed service room.
  • Tissues and trash cans must be made available throughout the worksite.
  • Face shields or sneeze guards should be placed throughout the worksite at all places of potential interaction between service providers and clients.
  • Cordon off any areas where an employee-service provider with probable or confirmed COVID-19 illness worked, touched surfaces, etc., until the area and equipment is cleaned and disinfected.


Posting Requirements:

  • Prior to reopening, all professional service businesses are required to develop and post at each location a comprehensive COVID-19 exposure control, mitigation and recovery plan along with COVID safety requirements.
  • Post a notice for walk-up guests regarding access to the facility. The notice should include the phone number that the guest should call to determine the availability of services. If service is available at the time, the walk-up guest would be allowed access, but the guest will need to answer questions regarding COVID19 exposure and current health.


Employee Practices:

  • Require employees to have personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, gowns, caps, goggles, face shields, and facemasks as appropriate or required for the activity being performed.
  • Cloth facial coverings must be worn by every individual not working alone at the location unless their exposure dictates a higher level of protection.
  • Ensure frequent and adequate handwashing with adequate maintenance of supplies.
  • Use single-use disposable gloves, where safe and applicable, to prevent transmission on tools and items that are shared, and discard after a single-use.
  • Establish a housekeeping schedule that includes frequent cleaning and sanitizing with a particular emphasis on commonly touched surfaces.
  • Screen employee-service providers for signs/symptoms of COVID-19 at the start of the shift. Make sure sick employee-service providers stay home or immediately go home if they feel or appear sick.
  • Appoint a COVID safety supervisor.
  • Ensure frequent and adequate handwashing with adequate maintenance of supplies. Use single-use disposable gloves, where safe and applicable, to prevent transmission on equipment and items that are shared, and discard after a single use.
  • Establish a housekeeping schedule that includes frequent cleaning and sanitizing with a particular emphasis on commonly touched surfaces.

There are additional posting, training, and employee screening and sick leave requirements contained in the order. Please review it carefully to ensure that your office workplace is as safe as your construction job site.

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