BIAW distributes its award-winning Building Insight magazine to roughly 8,000 member companies 10 times a year. It’s also mailed to members of the Washington state legislature, state, local, and county elected officials, news media organizations, and various business associations and organizations throughout Washington and the U.S.
For editorial inquiries, please contact Content Specialist Hannah Cassara at (360) 352-7800, ext. 106.
The CTTA officially launched its first cohort of classes on Monday, Feb. 3, in downtown Tacoma. The academy provides post-secondary students and transitioning adults from across the greater Puget Sound with free access to industry-driven training.
The Washington State Legislature adopted its current state subdivision statutes in 1969 to govern how land is divided into separate legal lots, tracts and parcels. In the five decades since their adoption, they have not been significantly updated.
A new report from the Washington Center for Housing Studies looks at the burden of impact fees imposed on new residential construction in Washington state.
For editorial inquiries, please contact Content Specialist Hannah Cassara at (360) 352-7800, ext. 106.
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