Overview of Active Litigation

Ongoing Litigation
Amicus Briefs

Support the fight to protect energy choice in Washington

The Washington State Building Code Council recently adopted new codes that not only violate a variety of state laws and regulations, they’re also in conflict with federal law. These changes remove the incentive for natural gas companies to run natural gas into new homes, which essentially eliminates the ability to have natural gas for ranges, fireplaces or other uses.

Support the state energy code challenge in Thurston County Superior Court

A coalition including BIAW, unions, trades, businesses and homeowners has filed a lawsuit, challenging the new state commercial and residential building codes, the energy code, and the wildland urban interface code.

Support the state challenge

Support the federal challenge to the state’s codes in US District Court for the Eastern District of Washington

BIAW is also supporting a federal challenge with different plaintiffs, requesting an injunction to block or delay the new codes after a Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision found similar actions by the City of Berkeley violated federal law. The Court ruled the federal Energy Policy and Conservation Act expressly preempts state and local regulations concerning the energy use of many natural gas appliances, including gas stoves and fireplaces.

Support the federal challenge

Construction Liens

A construction lien is an effective way to secure payment for the labor and/or materials you put into a person’s property. In almost all cases, it is less expensive and time consuming than suing for breach of contract.

How to file a lien