The Washington Home Builders Foundation (WHBF) was founded in 2012 by the Building Industry Association of Washington (BIAW) as a way to address educational and workforce needs within the building industry through charitable activities.
Our Mission: We work to empower and inspire the next generation of builders by advancing building-related education, unlocking academic opportunities and career possibilities while fostering a culture of innovation, enthusiasm, and excellence in the building industry.
Our Vision: We strive to be a leading organization that transforms the building industry. We envision a future where every individual has access to quality education, training, and resources necessary to thrive in the ever-evolving building industry, ultimately leading to sustainable and resilient communities
We provide scholarships to students who have demonstrated a passion and commitment to developing a career in the home building industry.
All applications must be submitted by May 1, 2025. The selection committee plans to make its decision in early June. All applicants will be mailed notice of their final status shortly after decisions are made.
We offer grants to organizations with programs in construction-related fields of study, residential construction career training, continuing education, apprenticeship, and skills assessment services, and technical training programs educating tomorrow’s home builders.
Organizations requesting funding for programs in a construction industry-related field of study (including but not limited to: construction career training, continuing education, apprenticeship programs, skills assessment programs).
All applications must be submitted by May 1, 2025. The selection committee plans to make its decision in early June. All applicants will be mailed notice of their final status shortly after decisions are made.
Apply for GrantsOpen to students graduating from high school who completed (or are in the process of completing) their second course in a single career and technical education program.
Open to high school seniors, graduates or GED graduates enrolled in or planning to enroll in an approved trade program at an accredited two-year college, vocational or technical school, or other approved trade program.
Our current donors who help support our scholarship and grant efforts.