Despite competitive wages and high demand for new homes, the residential construction industry has a skilled labor shortage. A few of the reasons? Fewer shop classes, an aging workforce and a societal bias toward college prep over skilled trades. The result? A nationwide housing shortage, rising cost for homes and a generation lacking basic home maintenance skills. Here are ways you can help!
Chat with the instructor or principal before your presentation to learn a little more about the students. Keep your audience in mind while you speak. Speaking to a group of construction trades students will be vastly different than speaking to an eighth-grade math class.
Open your presentation by briefly introducing yourself, your company and how you got your start in residential construction.
Show students how much they can make on average in common residential construction careers. BIAW has a PowerPoint with the latest Washington wages. Present it on the screen with the accompanying handout.
BIAW worked with four young workers with four distinctly different pathways to show young people the benefits of working in residential construction and how to find their way.
Tell them where they can find more information about education, training and jobs in residential construction in your area. Answer as many questions as you can but always feel free to refer them back to BIAW.
Open your presentation by briefly introducing yourself, your company and how you got your start in residential construction.
October is Careers in Construction Month!
Collaboration and Communication in Construction
5th Grade
Tiny House Design
5th - 6th Grades
Collaboration and Communication in Construction
5th Grade
NAHB offers construction-focused activities and lesson plans to engage students of all ages, including build guides, team exercises, and internship resources. These materials support educators in introducing students to construction careers.
This program is dedicated to enriching students’ educational experience and offers first-hand exposure to the real world of the building industry through membership, educational programming and networking opportunities. Bring this opportunity to your region of the state by accessing NAHB’s Starting a Student Chapter Toolkit.
Start a Student Chapter