
BIAW announces new strategic plan

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July 17, 2023

Three years ago, BIAW and its leadership developed a five-year strategic plan to take the association to the next level of benefits and service to its members. Thanks to the hard work of leaders, members and staff, BIAW accomplished all of the goals in the plan a full two years earlier than expected.Earlier this year, BIAW staff and leaders started the process of creating a new strategic plan by reaching out to members to gain perspective on the direction of the association and the goals members would like to achieve over the next three to five years.After extensive research, including focus groups and surveys, and using the strategic priorities identified in the previous plan as a guide, BIAW is excited to announce that its new strategic plan is now in place.

1. Government and Legal Affairs

BIAW will promote and influence public policy in laws and regulations tomake housing attainable across Washington state.

  • Promote laws and policy to reduce regulations and increase the overall supply of attainable market-rate housing.
  • Strengthen the reputation and influence of the home building industry in the community and with government officials.
  • Pursue legal action to hold governments accountable to following the law on matters that impact the home building industry.
  • Establish a BIAW research center as the authority on housing data and information in Washington state.
  • Expand investment and activity to elect pro-housing candidates.
  • Increase the supply of buildable land by reforming state land use policy through legislation and litigation.

2. Workforce Development

BIAW will coordinate and provide support for member and local association efforts to recruit more people into the trades for residential construction.

  • Engage with local associations on workforce development ideas and solutions.
  • Support local association programs and initiatives through financial and staff resources.
  • Promote career pathways residential builders and remodelers use for employment and career advancement.
  • Educate stakeholders, including parents, students and educators, on vocational pathways before and after high school graduation.
  • Engage and influence future generations of workers using next-gen technology.
  • Grow the pool of residential trades labor by increasing training opportunities.

3. Membership Services

BIAW will support member businesses by providing opportunities for continuing education andprofessional growth.

  • Enhance education to support small business growth and success.
  • Customize outreach and marketing messages to current and prospective members using the most effective technology.
  • Promote and grow the biennial Building Leaders Summit to enhance the professional development of emerging leaders and incoming local presidents.
  • Offer more courses in formats that meet the needs of our diverse membership.

4. Thriving Association

BIAW will utilize sound financial planning, provide transparent, responsive and accountable leadership, and foster creativity and teamwork to successfully serve its members.

  • Ensure BIAW members feel valued.
  • Develop and grow programs and services which support member companies.
  • Collaborate with local associations to enhance local operations, programs and services.
  • Upgrade online infrastructure to provide a more seamless web experience for members.
  • Support local association recruitment and retention efforts by offering incentives and resources.
  • Attract and retain an excellent staff by maintaining a high-quality modern work environment to meet the organization’s objectives.

As Washington’s largest trade association and one of the nation's largest state home builders associations, BIAW has the power and influence to make a difference for the homebuilding industry, future workforce and, most importantly, for its members and their businesses. This new strategic plan will guide the association into the future.