April 19, 2023
The legislature is scheduled to end the 2023 legislative session on April 23! Here's your latest update from the BIAW Government Affairs team.First, the good news. The legislature continues to advance several bills to help us build more home people can afford so we can help address the state's housing crisis.
Latest update on good bills
Four pro-housing bills have passed the legislature and are headed to the Governor's desk for signature:
- ESHB 1293: Requiring counties and cities planning under the Growth Management Act (GMA) to apply only clear and objective design review standards to the exterior of new development, with exceptions.
- EHB 1337 - Expanding housing options by easing barriers to the construction and use of accessory dwelling units.
- 2SSB 5290: Consolidating local permit review processes.
- E2SHB 1110: Increasing middle housing in areas traditionally dedicated to single-family detached housing.
More housing hero bills still alive:
- 2SSB 5412: Categorically exempts from the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) project actions that propose to develop one or more residential housing units within the incorporated areas in an urban growth area. It also exempts middle housing within the unincorporated areas in an urban growth area, if the proposed projects do not have transportation system safety or operational deficiencies.
- ESHB 1042: Using existing buildings for residential purposes.
- HB 1308: High school graduation pathway options, including trades.
- HB 5258: Increasing the supply and affordability of condominium units and townhouses as an option for homeownership.
Bad bills still alive and poised to become law
The bad news is they're still passing bills that make it more expensive to employ people and build new homes.
- ESHB 1181: Adding climate change to the GMA.
- ESHB 1106: Expanding qualifications for unemployment insurance when an individual voluntarily leaves work.
- SB 5452 - Authorizing impact fee revenue to fund improvements to bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
- SSB 5217: Expanding the state's ability to regulate certain industries and risk classes to prevent musculoskeletal injuries and disorders through ergonomics.
- SHB 1068: Allowing workers to record independent medical examinations in worker's compensation cases.
These are just a few of the bills we're tracking. We filmed another edition of the BIAW “Dead or Alive” game this week to share more. Then we quizzed our staff to learn how much they know about how we're doing. Find our stories on Facebook and Instagram to see how everyone did!