Training & Careers

WAVE scholarship review team members needed

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April 3, 2023

Join the WAVE Scholarship Review team!This year 251 people applied for the Washington Award for Vocational Excellence (WAVE) scholarship, which pays up to two years of college tuition. The Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board is recruiting volunteers from education, industry, community-based organizations, labor and workforce to evaluate scholarship applications.Interested? Send a message to They’ll provide you with more details. They expect it will be a four-hour time commitment. The review process begins April 10.Why join the WAVE Scholarship Review team? Washington continues to face major workforce shortages, and this is your chance to help close that gap. Many top students in aerospace, advanced manufacturing, agriculture, nursing, information technology and the building trades have applied for this award. The WAVE scholarship creates a path to economic self-sufficiency for these students – and helps your industry succeed with a new generation of trained workers.More about the WAVE Scholarship WAVE awards are based on the total number of awarded grants, as funding is limited. The minimum award is $4,500 per year for up to two years, or $9,000. The maximum award is $11,700 per year for up to two years, or $23,400. Two years means six quarters or four semesters.The award covers most undergraduate expenses at a Washington public or private college or university, or licensed private career school in this state.The amount of funding WAVE award winners receive may be less than the full award, if their institution charges less in tuition and fees. The student has up to three years to begin using the award.