October 23, 2023
UPDATED SEPT. 18, 2023THE STATE BUILDING CODE COUNCIL HAS DELAYED ALL BUILDING CODES UNTIL MARCH 15The Wildland-Urban Interface code, nicknamed WUI, is the newest code to join Washington’s building codes. The code outlines specific guidelines and practices to reduce the risk of wildfires spreading from the wilderness into urban areas. The first step in compliance is familiarizing yourself with the specific regulations outlined in the WUI code. Some aspects of the code (such as fire sprinklers) will vary by jurisdiction, so it is imperative to become familiar with the requirements of the jurisdictions in which you build.
Defensible Space
Creating defensible space around the home is one of the primary goals of the WUI Code. This involves removing or reducing the vegetation and flammable materials that could potentially fuel a wildfire. Because the Council adopted the WUI code statewide, any local tree retention or landscaping regulations at odds with the code will supersede such local regulations.
Building Materials and Design
The use of fire-resistant materials in construction is the second prong of the WUI. This covers everything from the windows to the walls, to vents, and more.
Adequate Access and Clearance
Unimpeded access to your property and sufficient clearance for emergency vehicles are critical factors in complying with the WUI Code.
Attend the Wildland-Urban Interface Codes Class
Attend our class on June 5 to get a more holistic understanding of the requirements of this new code.